Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Warriors #6 The Darkest Hour

Warriors #6 The Darkest Hour
By Erin Hunter

Hi, the book I am going to tell you about is Warriors #6
The Darkest Hour by Erin Hunter. It is about a cat named Fireheart. (He’s the main character. It’s also about the other clans.) He has to save the clans from Scourge, the leader of Blood clan, he plans to drive the other 4 clans out of the forest. There is a lot of action and suspense! WARNING: If you don’t like cats dying or blood DON’T read this book! I think this book is appropriate for 4th graders and up. There are a lot of funny, sad and happy parts. I like this book because Erin Hunter makes the book exciting! It’s a great book and I hope you read it! ( Remember to read the books that come before this one or you won’t understand it) I LOVE it!